The Manifest hails Origen Software as one of the Best Reviewed App Developers in South Africa

Origen Software has been honored by The Manifest as one of the best-reviewed app developers in South Africa, a recognition that underscores the team's dedication to delivering high-quality services and solutions to their clients, who have expressed their satisfaction through glowing reviews.

Posted on
June 19, 2023
The Manifest hails Origen Software as one of the Best Reviewed App Developers in South Africa

Our team at Origen Software has been recently recognized by The Manifest as one of the best-reviewed app developers in South Africa! We are proud to be included in this incredible list. This award is a true testament to our commitment and dedication to our craft and to making sure our clients are receiving the best services and solutions for their business.

The Manifest, for those of you who don’t know, is a B2B platform and business blog website that aims to gather and verify the hard data, expert insights, and actionable advice that you need to build your brand and grow your business – to provide the practical business wisdom that manifests in your success.

Our team would like to say our warmest thanks to our clients and partners for their support and for making this award possible. Thank you so much for trusting us in turning your ideas into reality! We would like to commemorate this award by showcasing some of the best reviews that we’ve received throughout the years, here are some of them:

“The team exceeded our expectations. Work delivered on time, within budget, professional and personable. A great technical partner who helped us refine our focus and what to build.” Mathew Marsden, CEO & Co-Founder of End-to-End Solutions Provider

“In general, I've been dealing with the CEO directly since the beginning of the project, there's been consistency in liaising with the same people in the team that know the project and understand the requirements and expected outcomes.” Jennifer Bond, Founder & CEO of PikUnik