Making legal explanations easy with SimplyPut

Making legal explanations easy with SimplyPut

Project info


UI/UX Auditing, App Development


SimplyPut is an app that acts as a handbook, translating South African laws into simple terms and providing direct access to legal professionals.


Android, iOS


Navigating the intricacies of South African laws can be daunting for many. Enter SimplyPut: an innovative application designed to demystify the complexities of legal jargon. With SimplyPut, users can effortlessly understand intricate South African laws translated into plain, straightforward English. But it doesn't stop there. Recognizing the diverse needs of its users, the app also integrates a feature allowing users to connect directly with reputable law firms. Whether someone is seeking deeper insights into a specific law category or requires professional legal consultation, SimplyPut acts as a bridge, facilitating clarity and empowerment in the legal realm. Simplifying the law, one clause at a time.

Making legal explanations easy with SimplyPut

What we did

When Matthew Reid, the visionary founder of SimplyPut, approached us with the noble aspiration to make South African laws more accessible to the masses, we were immediately on board. To bring this vision to life, we opted for Flutter as our development framework, owing to its powerful capability to deliver a seamless and consistent user experience across various platforms. Coupled with Firebase for its real-time database and authentication services, we ensured a scalable, secure, and efficient backend. Throughout the project, our collaboration with Matthew was characterized by mutual respect and a shared goal: to make complex legal jargons easily understandable. The final product is not just an app; it's a testament to what can be achieved when technology meets a genuine need for societal empowerment.

The results

  1. Empowerment and Accessibility for Users: One of the most profound outcomes of the SimplyPut app has been the empowerment of its users. No longer deterred by convoluted legal jargon, individuals can now grasp the essentials of intricate South African laws with ease. This newfound understanding not only fosters a sense of confidence and independence but also ensures that users are better positioned to exercise their rights and navigate legal challenges effectively.
  2. Increased Engagement for Law Firms: The app's feature, which connects users to reputable law firms, has proven beneficial for the legal community. Firms have reported an uptick in engagement from potential clients who, equipped with a foundational understanding of their legal issue, are keen to delve deeper or seek professional consultation. This not only translates to potential business opportunities for the firms but also results in more streamlined consultations, as clients come prepared with specific queries and concerns.
  3. Promotion of Legal Literacy: As more users turn to SimplyPut to demystify legal texts, there's an observable rise in legal literacy among the public. This has had a ripple effect, fostering a more informed and proactive citizenry, which, in turn, contributes to a more robust, transparent, and accountable legal system.
Client testimonial

"The team at Origen are visionary. They don't just build a product. They help build the business around the product."

Matthew Reid
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